The Wonder Years
Learning Center
We have a variety of programs all the way from infants to Pre-K
6 weeks - 12 months.
Infancy is a very special time in a child's life. It is a time for developing a sense of trust and emotional security.
It is also a time of rapid motor development and change- more so than at any other time in a child's life!
12 months - 33 months.
Toddlerhood is a time of great curiosity and exploration.
Children of this age use their newly developed skills of walking, running, climbing, and grasping to discover their widening social and physical world.
2.9 - 3.5 years.
The Preschool years are a time of great discovery for children.
They are eager explorers in their quest to gain a better understanding of their social and physical world.
They also relish every opportunity to use their newly acquired skills.
4.1 - 6 years.
Many older children have developed the cognitive skills required to understand more complex concepts relating to numbers and the written language.
Children display a growing interest in manipulating numbers, learning to write letters and words, and reading.
They enjoy practicing their skills with their friends and seek out every opportunity to express themselves.